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God does not love me more. This is something that I often need to be reminded of. I have this tendency to look down on people because of the way they dress, the way they live, their political affliliation, etc. I am loved the same as my neighbor no matter how much I disagree with them, or how our education differs, or how we choose to live our lives. We are all in this together searching for the same love from both God and Humanity. We all want and deserve to be treated better.

May we as a church begin to treat people with more respect and dignity than before. May we begin to let people know that they deserve to be treated better. May we affirm people with the same affirmation that God has given us. May we spread the message that God loves us, God loves humanity.

7 Responses to “

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    your comments are messing up because i think i've left 10 comments over the last couple of posts and have gotten nothing.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    naturally it works once i complain. thus defeating the purpose.

  3. Blogger Tank 

    i don't know what to tell you...it is messing up when I comment on your site as well.

  4. Blogger tonymyles 


    Thanks for that.

  5. Blogger Jessica T 

    where is the video on you tube with the information on the pirate movie???

  6. Blogger Tank 

    it is the one by "ask a ninja". And btw, I can't find my phone, do you have it?

  7. Anonymous Anonymous 

    why are none of these comments topic related? side note: it is funny that you and your wife are asking each other questions on your blog....does that say something about your level of communication at home??! ZIIIING!

    so, this is good for me to read. i think i can preach this message fairly easily, but sometimes people that are less lovely seem to be less loved by everyone; God as well by default. Im not talking about the super abnormal people....the semi-normal, but not very sociable or slightly weird people are the hardest for me.

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