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For those of you who have watched my wife's video blogs a few posts ago, or for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, I thought you would be interested in knowing that my wife has set up a video blog here. She is actually very good at what she does, especially since she just started a couple of weeks ago. She has already inspired another man to do some of his own video blogging here. Check it out and leave some wonderful comments.

1 Responses to “

  1. Blogger Nate Myers 

    Ok, so videoblog #2 was awesome. Your wife loves you. Loves you. That's incredible. You guys should watch that after a big argument just to gain perspective again. :)

    I'm an initiate into both your blogs, and will commence perusing your thoughts soon; the video stuff drew me in first (you know, the whole "postmodern image driven" person-thing." I like what I've read so far...gotta sit on it a little and let it make the move south from my brain into my heart.

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